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Shauna Amon is a Partner of BBK’s Labor & Employment Law practice group and assists her clients in the areas of advice and counsel, labor negotiations and bargaining as well as conducting personnel investigations.

Investigations and Title IX Work
Shauna is an experienced investigator that has been certificated through the Association of Workplace Investigators. Shauna conducts investigations for private and public clients, including schools, community college districts and other educational institutes. These investigations range into a variety of claims including allegations of workplace misconduct, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and retaliation.  As to Title IX investigations in particular, Shauna has conducted numerous investigations into this area and has experience in all stages in the proceeding.  Many of these matters are those that could lead to disciplinary action, amongst other consequences.

Advice and Counsel
Shauna routinely advises public and private clients in the areas of advice and counsel, specifically in the areas of harassment and discrimination, medical leaves, and wage laws.  Shauna’s practice includes strategies of litigation avoidance with the ultimate goal of reduction in liability. Shauna participates as a speaker in labor and employment seminars, speaking mainly on issues of personnel management.  Shauna also regularly conducts seminars and mandatory harassment avoidance trainings for both supervisors and non-supervisors.

Labor Matters
Shauna advises in areas of collective bargaining and has served in labor negotiations, including the role of lead negotiator. Shauna has experience in administrative proceedings, including successfully defending unfair labor practice charges before the Public Employment Relations Board and in grievance arbitrations and mediations.

Educational Institutes
Shauna regularly provides assistance to both administrators and governing boards on a variety of personnel and general education issues, including certificated and classified discipline and dismissal; workplace and student investigations; Uniform Complaint investigations and responses; collective bargaining issues, including defending and presenting unfair practice charges before the Public Employment Relations Board; and defending employers against charges presented to state and federal agencies.

Thought Leadership


  • "Conducting Personnel Investigations: Finding The Facts!" California Public Employers Labor Relations Association Annual Training Conference, Nov. 14, 2024
  • "Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (Non-Supervisor)," CSDA Webinar, California Special Districts Association, Feb. 23, 2021
  • "Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (Supervisor/Board Member)," CSDA Webinar, California Special Districts Association, Jan. 26, 2021
  • "Annual Labor & Employment Update," BBK Webinar, Dec. 10, 2020
  • "How to Avoid Claims of Violation of Due Process When Disciplining Public Employees: Complying With Procedural and Other Requirements," California Public Employers Labor Relations Association Annual Training Conference, Nov. 17, 2020
  • "How to Avoid Claims of Violation of Due Process When Disciplining Public Employees," Public Employer Labor Relations Association of California Annual Training Conference, Nov. 12, 2020
  • "Sexual Harassment Avoidance Training for Non-Supervisors," BBK Webinar, Aug. 4, 2020
  • "Sexual Harassment Prevention Training," CSDA Webinar, California Special Districts Association, July 8, 2020
  • "Sexual Harassment Avoidance Training for Non-Supervisors," BBK Webinar, Apr. 8, 2020
  • "Annual Labor & Employment Update," BBK Webinar, Dec. 10, 2019
  • "Sexual Harassment Avoidance Training for Non-Supervisors," BBK Webinar, Nov. 19, 2019
  • "Annual Labor & Employment Update," BBK Webinar, Dec. 13, 2018
  • "Effective Use of Performance Improvement Plans: Improve an Employee’s Performance or Successfully Sever the Employment Relationship," California Public Employers Labor Relations Association Annual Conference, Dec. 6, 2018

Education & Admissions

University of San Diego School of Law
J.D., summa cum laude, Order of the Coif
University of San Diego
B.A., communication
Bar Admissions



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