Redaction Refresh Series
Redaction Refresh is a webinar series designed to assist public agencies in understanding the proper use of exemptions written into the Public Records Act (“PRA”). Since the inception of the PRA, the Legislature recognized that public right of access must sometimes yield to necessary privacy interests. In those instances, public agencies must narrowly apply exemptions, either to entire documents or with careful precision to specific information within a document. The Redaction Refresh webinar series focuses on best practices that can help agencies properly assess when an exemption may apply and, if appropriate, how to apply the exemption to avoid infringing on the public’s right of access.
Register your agency for the series and gain access to the live sessions, as well as the on-demand recordings.
When: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in 2025
Time: 12:30-1 pm PT
Cost: $1,000
Course length: (22 trainings, 30 minutes each, 11 hours total)
Questions about the series? Please email
Date | Topic |
Jan. 14* | Investigatory Records BBK will discuss investigatory records subject to California Government Code section 7923.600 et seq |
Jan. 28* | Reporting Party Data The California Public Records Act requires public agencies to disclose code enforcement records, but agencies may rely on the exemption pursuant to California Government Code section 7922.000 to protect reporting party data. BBK will detail this exemption under the CPRA. |
Feb. 11* | Peace Officer Personnel Records BBK will discuss peace officer and custodial officer personnel records exempt pursuant to California Penal Code section 832.7 as well as identify circumstances under which disclosure may be required. (SB16, SB1421, Pitchess motions) |
Feb. 25* | Personnel Records (non-sworn personnel) California Government Code section 7927.700 exempts from disclosure personnel files that would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. BBK will describe this exemption and how it interacts with California’s constitutional right to privacy (Cal. Const., art I § I). |
Mar. 11 | Labor Negotiations BBK will present information on how the California Public Records Act dovetails with California Government Code section 54957.6 with respect to Labor Negotiations in Closed Session. |
Mar. 25 | Financial Rates & Performance Data BBK will present on compliance with the California Public Records Act when rates or performance data are at issue. |
Apr. 8 | Procurement Records BBK will examine the disclosure of records pursuant to California Government Code section 7920.530, including documents related to requests for proposals and the timing of their release under the Act. |
Apr. 22 | Financial Data & Unique Identifiers When a public agency requires that applicants for licenses, certificates or permits submit personal financial data, that information is exempt from disclosure pursuant to Government Code section 7925.005. BBK will outline this exemption and its construction. |
May 13 | Planning & Development Records BBK will discuss compliance with the California Public Records Act pursuant to California Government Code section 7921.000 when considerations of Planning & Development Records are at issue. |
May 27 | Trade Secrets BBK will examine trade secrets, and how a trade secret is not a public record under California Government Code Section 7924.510 or 7924.700. |
Jun. 10 | Critical Infrastructure Info BBK will discuss compliance with the California Public Records Act when critical infrastructure information is at issue, in compliance with California Government Code sections 7927.500 and 7927.705. |
Jun. 24 | Domestic Violence Records A victim of sexual assault or domestic violence or their guardian may use the authority of California Government Code section 7923.615 to withhold disclosure of his or her name. BBKwill discuss this exemption. |
Jul. 8 | Mental Health Records BBK will consider compliance with the California Public Records Act when mental health records are at issue, in compliance with the California Public Records Act and Welfare & Institutions Code sections 5150, 5328. |
Jul. 22 | Personally Identifiable Information (PII) BBK will discuss compliance with the California Public Records Act when considerations of Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) are at issue. |
Aug. 12 | Official Information Privilege Pursuant to California Government Code section 7922.000 and Evidence Code section 1040, a public agency may refuse to disclose information acquired in confidence by a public employee in the course of his or her duty and not open, or officially disclosed to the public prior to the time the claim of privilege is made. BBK will examine the interplay between these exemptions. |
Aug. 26 | Deliberative Process Privilege BBK will review the balancing test contemplated by California Government Code section 7922.000, known as the Deliberative Process Privilege. |
Sep. 9 | Attorney Client Privilege California Government Code section 7927.705 exempts from disclosure records that are exempt pursuant to the provisions of the Evidence Code relating to privilege. BBK will detail this exemption and its applicability to PRA Requests. |
Sep. 23 | Pending Litigation Records related to personnel records, medical files, pending lawsuits, taxpayer data, privileged information, library borrowing history, employee relations maters and homeland security initiatives are exempt from the disclosure rules contained in the California Public Records Act. BBK will analyze the exemptions to pending litigation under California Government Code sections 7927.500 and 7927.200. |
Oct. 14 | Utility Customer Data California Government Code section 7927.410 et. seq. states public utilities generally shall not disclose a customer’s electrical consumption data. BBK will review the exceptions, including upon court order or at the request of a law enforcement agency relative to an ongoing investigation. |
Oct. 28 | Taxpayer Data Records related to personnel records, medical files, pending lawsuits, taxpayer data, privileged information, library borrowing history, employee relations maters and homeland security initiatives are exempt from the disclosure rules contained in the California Public Records Act. BBK will analyze the taxpayer data exemption under California Government Code section 7922.000 and 7922.505. |
Nov. 25 | Library Patron Data In accordance with California Government Code section 7927.105, all patron use records of any library that is supported in whole or in part by public funds are confidential and may not be disclosed except to persons acting within the scope of their duties within library administration, upon written authorization from the person whose records are sought, or by court order. BBK will discuss this exemption in the context of the California Public Records Act. |
Dec. 9 | Elections Data Pursuant to California Government Code section 7924.000, voter registration information is confidential and cannot be disclosed except as provided in section 2194 of the Elections Code. BBK will review this exemption in the context of the California Public Records Act. |
*Available on-demand
Each webinar has been approved for minimum continuing legal education by the State Bar of California in the amount of .5 hours of General Participatory credit. Best Best & Krieger LLP certifies that these activities conform to the standards of approved educational activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education. Best Best & Krieger LLP is a State Bar of California Approved Provider, #1035. Please note that CLE credit is only available to those who participate in the “live” webinar and Best Best & Krieger LLP is unable to provide credit to those who choose to view the webinar recordings.
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