BB&K Office Makes Sacramento Top 10 Law Firm
Sacramento Business Journal’s Annual Law Firm Rankings
SACRAMENTO – Best Best & Krieger LLP’s Sacramento office continues to maintain its high rank as a larger law firm in the Sacramento area. This year, it ranks No. 10 on Sacramento Business Journal’s 2021 Top Sacramento Law Firms List.
With 29 attorneys, BB&K’s Sacramento office saw a slight increase in rank from last year. The attorneys in the office practice in a wide variety of areas: Labor & Employment, Business, Environmental Law & Natural Resources, Real Estate, Health Care, Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation and Special Districts.
This year, Partner Joshua Nelson began serving as the Sacramento office’s managing partner. Under his lead, BB&K will continue its commitment to the businesses and public agencies of the Sacramento area with innovative and responsive client service. As a champion of diversity of innovation, it successfully advises on issues and projects that benefit the community.
Discover more about the Sacramento Business Journal list by clicking here.
Best Best & Krieger LLP is a national law firm that focuses on environmental, business, education, municipal and telecommunications law for public agency and private clients. With more than 200 attorneys, the law firm has 10 offices nationwide, including Los Angeles, Ontario, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit www.bbklaw.com or follow @BBKlaw on Twitter or @BestBestKrieger on LinkedIn.