Managing Partner Eric Garner Discusses New Opportunities in Water Law With Daily Journal
Addresses Skills and Traits Needed for Up-and-Coming Water Attorneys
In a recent Daily Journal article, Best Best & Krieger Managing Partner Eric Garner addresses the increase in water law opportunities for law students and new attorneys now that Gov. Gavin Newsom has unveiled a plan to address California’s sustained drought.
The Aug. 12 article, “Sweeping State Plans to Respond to Drought Provides Opportunity for Water Lawyers,” discusses the governor’s multifaceted plan to increase California’s water supplies and skills that up-and-coming attorneys will need in order to succeed in the highly specialized field of water law.
According to Eric, practical skills, broad knowledge and patience are crucial for future water practitioners.
"When you're in water law, it's important to have a broad range of knowledge because water law is history, it's economics, it's the law itself, but it's also driven by what happens historically." And disputes in water “are not settled quickly," he said. "I just finished a groundwater adjudication in Antelope Valley last year that started in 1999. So it went on for 22 years, and that's not unusual."
The Daily Journal article is available to subscribers in its entirety here.