BBK Partner Joins New Drug Policy Solutions Leadership Council
Billy Williams Appointed to Help Guide Efforts of New 501(c)(3) “Think and Do Tank”
Best Best & Krieger is pleased to announce that Partner Billy J. Williams has been appointed to the Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions (FDPS) Leadership Council. The FDPS launched on Sept. 19, after many months of planning, at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City.
The FDPS is a new, global 501(c)(3) “think and do tank” formed in response to the nation’s growing addiction crisis and the complications to supporting policies aimed at reducing substance use initiation and disorder. The group’s mission is to research, promote and educate on policies, strategies and practices that make population-level change aimed at saving lives and advancing health and justice in communities across the country.
As a member of the Leadership Council, Williams will advise the FDPS on its work to formulate, gather and implement an evidence-based drug policy.
“We are truly celebrating the launch of the FDPS, as it marks the beginning of a new journey toward root solutions, improved quality of life and wellbeing for our nation’s citizens,” Williams said. “I am honored to serve on the Leadership Council among so many like-minded and esteemed individuals. An initiative such as this is very near and dear to my heart, as I spent many years as U.S. attorney working to build consensus around how to address substance and other issues. There is no easy solution, but also no better group to work toward a lasting solution.”
The FDPS will develop a Blueprint for Effective Drug Policy, which will act as a guide for lawmakers and citizens who want to change the trajectory of drug use outcomes in America. Success will be measured by Blueprint production, field willingness to adopt its recommendations, and inclusion of those actions and goals in mainstream public policy.
“Our nation is in crisis with unprecedented substance abuse rates. Without meaningful action, it will only get worse,” Williams said. “We need a national substance abuse policy that is informed, responsible and effective, as well as leadership at all levels of government to change the direction of this dangerous trajectory of addiction, death and loss.”
The FDPS has already acquired several smaller organizations that will act as divisions of the new organization, including the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws, the former President’s Commission on Model State Drug Laws, and the Rosenthal Center for Addiction Studies.
“We’re committed to promoting big ideas that make big changes. The time for short-term, nearsighted strategies has come and gone, having failed countless Americans along the way,” said FDPS Co-Founder and Executive Vice President Luke Niforatos in a press release. “Today’s addiction epidemic demands we do more.”
At BBK, Williams’ practice covers a full range of environmental and litigation issues. In addition to his government agency experience and relationships, he has groundbreaking and ever-relevant experience in land management, civil disputes, crisis management, tribal matters, corporate and government investigations, cannabis regulation and more. As U.S. attorney in Oregon from 2015-2021, Williams worked to forge relationships, foster understanding, and represent victim and state interests. He served on numerous advisory subcommittees and working groups, including the Native American Issues Subcommittee, Civil Rights Subcommittee, Border and Immigration Subcommittee, Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee, Ninth Circuit Fairness Committee and as chair of the Attorney General’s Marijuana Working Group.