Special Districts
Special districts are facing greater regulation and enforcement, making it more important than ever to understand the rules and assure strict compliance. Best Best & Krieger LLP (BBK) attorneys have extensive experience advising boards of directors as they navigate high-profile, complex decisions — and the contentious public meetings and hearings that can be a part of that process.
We represent all types of special districts, including:
- Local agency formation commissions (LAFCOs)
- Regional councils of governments
- Water districts and agencies
- Transportation
- Joint powers authorities
- Multi-species habitat conservation agencies
- Sanitation and wastewater districts
- Community services districts
- Fire protection
- Park and recreation districts
- Hospital districts
- Resource conservation districts
Serving as general and special counsel to all levels of public entities, we advise municipalities, utilities, planning commissions, local agency formation commissions, transportation commissions, water agencies and a wide variety of other public entities. We offer comprehensive guidance on all matters involving special district services, day-to-day operations, governance and regulation. These include interpretation and application of the Ralph M. Brown Act (open meeting law), Public Records Act requirements, notices, agendas, rules regarding conducting meetings and other governance and procedural matters. We advise on everything from the introduction and adoption of minute orders, resolutions and ordinances through the timing and structure of public hearings and presentations to the public and election laws.
Our attorneys work with clients to assure their compliance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. We advise on district formation, prepare and review documentation, negotiate transactions, secure necessary regulatory approvals and permits and advocate for clients before regulatory agencies, administrative authorities and courts, resolving disputes and defending our clients’ interests.
Our role as general counsel includes providing advice on the following matters:
- Political Reform Act (Government Code § 81000 et seq.)
- Contractual conflicts of interest (Government Code § 1090)
- Incompatibility of public offices
We are also often retained by special districts to handle individual matters that require an in-depth knowledge of legal and regulatory issues, such as employment and labor issues, environmental regulatory compliance, public finance, state and local regulations and litigation.
BBK attorneys closely monitor statutory and common law changes, stay current regarding Fair Political Practices Commission decisions and keep our clients informed of changes.