Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
When LAFCOs consider proposals for city and special district changes of organization such as an annexation, detachment, consolidation, incorporation/formation, or disincorporation/ dissolution, they must balance service efficiencies and housing and economic development needs with competing interests in preserving natural resources.
As a recognized leader in public agency law and representation, Best Best & Krieger LLP (BBK) brings wide-ranging knowledge and experience addressing the issues impacting LAFCOs and LAFCO matters affecting other agencies.
Actively involved in developing and reviewing legislation and evaluating its impact on LAFCOs, we regularly advise our clients on the complex and frequently changing laws pertaining to local government. We currently serve as general counsel to LAFCOs throughout California, including those in San Bernardino, Orange, Merced, Santa Clara, Marin and El Dorado, as well as the California Association of LAFCOs. We know how these commissions operate enabling us to effectively represent LAFCOs, cities, counties, special districts and other public agency clients on LAFCO-related issues.
Unmatched Experience
BBK offers an insider’s perspective on the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Reorganization Act of 2000 (CKH). We served on task forces for legislative cleanup, for adoption of municipal service review guidelines, and to modify and clarify the revenue neutrality statute and other CKH provisions related to incorporations.
Comprehensive Service
From CKH compliance through policy adoption/implementation, we provide dynamic solutions to the legal challenges facing clients. Our comprehensive, cost-effective legal services include:
- General counsel advice on Brown Act, Political Reform Act and Public Records Act compliance, and public policy and ethics obligations
- Public finance, taxes and bonds
- Environmental compliance
- Water rights, supply and quality
- Renewable energy
- Land use, permitting and zoning laws
- Government affairs
- Litigation, mediation and arbitration
- Labor and employment
- Employee benefits
- Pensions
We regularly advise client on all matters related to changes of organization and reorganization, budget adoption issues and commission procedures; city and special district annexations; consolidations, detachment, dissolution and other reorganizations; joint powers agreements; and property tax exchange agreements.