BBK’s Wendy Wang and Samuel Johnson Discuss Regulation Making Conservation “A Way of Life” in California
Daily Journal article discusses water legislation history, new requirements and potential effects on suppliers and consumers across the state
On August 22, 2024, Best Best & Krieger LLP (BBK) Partner Wendy Wang and Associate Samuel Johnson co-authored a piece for the Daily Journal addressing the state’s history with water conservation legislation stemming from decades of historic drought conditions and the adoption of “Making Conservation a California Way of Life,” which takes effect on January 1, 2025.
While environmental groups applaud the legislation, suppliers are concerned about the effects on their operations and downstream impact on consumers. Wang and Johnson note, “As these mandates are unfunded, many suppliers may face the difficult choice of passing the cost of compliance to their customers through rate hikes. Only time will tell whether the regulation will successfully lead to water resilience without imposing financial precarity on water suppliers and their customers.”
Subscribers to the Daily Journal can read the entire article published August 22, 2024 here.