Andre Monette
Andre Monette is a member of the Environmental & Natural Resources practice group in Best Best & Krieger LLP’s (BBK) Washington, D.C. office. Andre works extensively with water districts, cities, counties and agricultural interests, and other private entities on matters involving the water supply, water quality and infrastructure funding. Representative matters include the following:
- Advising the California Department of Water Resources on matters involving federal funding, water supply, environmental regulation and interfacing with the federal government.
- Testifying before the United States Environmental and Public Works Committee on the jurisdictional reach of the Clean Water Act.
- Testifying before the United States House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee on the impacts of proposed legislation relating to salmon conservation.
- Filing multiple briefs with the United States Supreme Court in cases involving the Clean Water Act and water supply.
- Representing a municipality in matters involving cross border sewage flows, resulting in nearly $700 million in appropriations from the United States, and $140 million from Mexico.
- Representing farmers, water asset managers and private investors in matters involving water rights and construction of major water storage and conveyance infrastructure.
- Defending public utilities in multiple enforcement actions brought by EPA, the California Water Resources Control Boards and environmental groups.
- Representing cities and public utilities in matters involving PFOA and PFAS “forever chemicals.”
- Representing clients on complex water rights matters including adjudicated stream systems and federal reserve water rights.
- President’s Award: Outstanding Associate Member, International Municipal Lawyers Association, 2024
- International Municipal Lawyers Association Amicus Service Award, 2016, 2019, 2020
Professional & Community Involvement
- International Bar Association, Section on Energy, Environment, Resources and Infrastructure Law (SEERIL), Council Member – 2022 to present
- International Bar Association, Water Law Advisory Board, 2025-present
Thought Leadership
- “Wastewater Treatment Becomes Another Area for Public-Private Partnership,” BBKnowledge, July 27, 2016
- “[VIDEO] Waters of the United States: Implications of EPA’s Regulatory Definition,” BBKnowledge, Sept. 3, 2015
- “The Changing Face of Stormwater Regulation in the U.S.,” BBKnowledge, Feb. 26, 2015
- “EPA Draft Ruling Could Mean Significant Changes to How Stormwater Systems are Categorized” PublicCEO, Oct. 20, 2014 (via BBKnowledge)
- “December 3 Deadline for Submitting Federal Water Projects,” BBKnowledge, Oct. 9, 2014
- “EPA Proposes Change to Clean Water Act Rule and Definition of the Term “Waters of the U.S.,” BBKnowledge, June 20, 2014
- “BBK Attorney Testifies to Congressional Subcommittee on Proposed EPA Clean Water Act Rule,” BBK Legal Alert, May 16, 2014
- “Telecommunications Update: Answering the Call," International Municipal Lawyers Association’s Annual Conference, Oct. 2, 2021
- “Now That You Have ARPA Funds – What’s Next?" BBK Webinar, June 23, 2021
- “What's New in Water?" International Municipal Lawyers Association's Mid-Year Seminar, WONK Brunch, Apr. 21, 2021
- “Demonstrations and the Changing Face of Public Speech in the United States: A View from the End of Apartheid in South Africa," BBK Webinar, Oct. 8, 2020
- “Groundwater Augmentation as a Path for Achieving Sustainability," Groundwater Sustainability Plans in Southern California Virtual Update, Law Seminars International, July 16, 2020
- “Developments in U.S. Water Law and Infrastructure," International Municipal Lawyers Association's Mid-Year Seminar, WONK Breakfast, Apr. 22, 2020
- “Navigating California's New Regulations for Wetlands and State Waters," BBK Webinar, Oct. 10, 2019
- “The Clean Water Act — Where Has the Ball Landed?" Argent Communication Group's Annual California Water Law & Policy Conference, June 20, 2019
- “Stormwater Update," Webinar, IMLA Distance Learning Events, June 5, 2019
- “Clean Water Act 2019 – Maui County and WOTUS," International Municipal Lawyers Association's Mid-Year Seminar WONK Breakfast, Mar. 31, 2019
- “WOTUS 2.0: Implications of This Week’s Trump Administration Proposal to Revise the Definition of the Term “Waters of the United States” For the Purposes of the Clean Water Act," IMLA Webinar, International Municipal Lawyers Association, Dec. 20, 2018
- “Maui County and WOTUS: The Battle to Grow the Clean Water Act Moves to the Courts," International Municipal Lawyers Association Mid-Year Seminar WONK Breakfast, Apr. 22, 2018
- “Cyber Security and Water: Is Our Water Safe?" International Bar Association’s Biennial Conference of the Section on Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law, Apr. 10, 2018
- “Fairly (or Unfairly Traceable?) Traceable: Are Discharges Through Groundwater Subject to the Clean Water Act," BBK Webinar, Mar. 29, 2018
- “Development of California Water Law: Quantity and Usage," HalfMoon Education's Water Laws and Regulations Seminar, Apr. 25, 2017
- “Understanding California Water Rights Laws," HalfMoon Education's Water Laws and Regulations Seminar, Apr. 25, 2017
- “Complying with Water Quality Laws and Regulations," HalfMoon Education's Water Laws and Regulations Seminar, Apr. 25, 2017
- “Waters of the United States - Army Corps and EPA Regulation Status," CLE International Western Water Law Conference, Feb. 9, 2017
- “The Safe Drinking Water Act and the Nation’s Aging Water Infrastructure & Liability for Lead Contamination of Water Supplies - Is It Covered by Insurance?" International Municipal Lawyers Association Annual Conference, Sept. 30, 2016
- “New EPA Definition of Waters of the U.S.," BBK Webinar, Aug. 26, 2015
- “Land Use Seminar," International Municipal Lawyers Association's Mid-Year Seminar, Apr. 17, 2016
- “Water Quality Control and Drought: The Legal Aspects of Stormwater Capture and Use," Argent Communications California Water Law & Policy Conference, June 15, 2015
- “Land Use Sustainability Code and Stormwater," International Municipal Lawyers Association Mid-Year Seminar, Apr. 24, 2015
- “The Changing Face of Stormwater Regulation in the U.S.," International Municipal Lawyers Association Webinar, Feb. 17, 2015
- “Stormwater: New Requirements for Development Projects and EPA's Proposed Rule Re-defining "Waters of the U.S." Will Have Major Cost and Operational Impacts for Municipalities," International Municipal Lawyers Association’s Annual Conference, Sept. 10, 2014
Education & Admissions
Case Western Reserve University
San Diego State University
B.S., geology with marine geology emphasis and political science minor
Bar Admissions
District of Columbia