CEQA Document Filing Fees Increase for 2023
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced an increase in filing fees for all California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Notices of Determination (NOD) filed on or after Jan. 1, 2023. Learn more about these fees, all of which are detailed below, at the CDFW website.
CDFW Fee Schedule
CEQA Document | Fees Effective Jan. 1, 2022 |
Fees Effective Jan. 1, 2023 |
Negative Declaration | $2,548.00 | $2,764.00 |
Mitigated Negative Declaration | $2,548.00 | $2,764.00 |
Environmental Impact Report | $3,539.35 | $3,839.25 |
Environmental Document pursuant to a Certified Regulatory Program* | $1,203.25 | $1,305.25 |
Notice of Exemption for a Statutory or Categorical Exempt Action | No CDFW Fee | No CDFW Fee |
County Clerk Processing Fee** | $50 | $50 |
The CDFW fee is due only once per project. If a project requires the filing of multiple NODs by lead or responsible agencies, the CDFW fee must be paid when the lead agency files the first NOD. If a copy of the CDFW fee receipt for the first NOD can be shown, subsequent NODs for the same project will not incur any additional CDFW fees.
*Including, but not limited to, timber harvesting plans and other state agency regulatory programs. (Public Resources Code, § 21080.5; State CEQA Guidelines, § 15251)
**Additional county fees may apply. Please check with the county clerk’s office for the current amount of the county’s processing fee for all CEQA notices. This fee is due for all filings, including a Notice of Exemption.
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